Women's Health: menopause: unmuted

menopause: unmuted: Today is World Menopause Day

Episode Summary

Today, on World Menopause Day, menopause: unmuted has a special announcement for you.

Episode Notes

Another season of menopause: unmuted is coming to you soon. And it’s no coincidence we’re sharing this announcement today, which is World Menopause Day.

Get caught up now on past seasons of the podcast, and make sure to subscribe or follow the show to keep updated when new episodes drop.

Thank you to our menopause: unmuted community for tuning in to the last three seasons of the podcast. Until next time, keep talking.

Episode Transcription

Dr. Minkin: This is Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, your host of menopause: unmuted. 

Hello and thank you so much for tuning in and listening to the stories from all the women over the past three seasons of the show. 

I’m here with some exciting news: we’ll have new episodes of the show coming to you soon. And you’ll absolutely love the ladies joining us this season. We have a broad range of stories - uplifting, funny, sometimes heart-wrenching. We know that every menopause story is unique, so we’re thrilled to bring to you new perspectives that you might not have heard before, or that you could find really relatable. 

You’ll hear from Deanna, whose experience echoes so much of what I hear in my clinic every day...

[Deanna Episode Clip]: Because we need to start connecting those dots a lot earlier. Because if I had known then what I know now, it could have made a huge difference in my journey, a huge difference.

Dr. Minkin: And for women living with uterine fibroids, I’m sure that Sateria’s story will resonate…

[Sateria Episode Clip]: For me, menopause was bittersweet because it was the end of suffering for me. But because I was never married and never had children, it was also heartbreaking.

Dr. Minkin: These are just two of the voices you’ll hear this season. We can’t wait for you to listen to their stories and to introduce you to the other ladies very soon. 

It’s no coincidence we’re sharing this announcement today, on October 18th, which is World Menopause Day. This day is all about bringing awareness to menopause, and the support options that are available. And one method of support we’re big fans of at menopause: unmuted is exchanging stories. Listening and sharing stories is a powerful, simple way of normalizing the conversation around menopause. And we think that’s just fabulous. 

So, start a conversation today. Or perhaps take a listen of the past few seasons of menopause: unmuted – there are a lot of inspirational stories and information you can find in these episodes. 

Also, make sure you are subscribed to or follow the show – that way you can keep updated when new episodes drop.

Until then, keep talking. Goodbye for now.